
Get More Money,
Save More Money…
Join WorkMoney

You’ve found the best opportunity
to have a positive impact on your
finances. Join below!



Fill out the information and you’ll be eligible for exclusive, Members-only benefits like prescription drug savings, student loan relief, financial coaching, and more.

By providing my phone number, I understand that WorkMoney may text message me on my mobile phone on a periodic basis. We will never charge for text messages, but carrier message and data rates may apply. You can stop receiving messages at any time by texting STOP to the address provided in each text. We value your privacy.

View our full privacy policy here and our SMS terms of service here.

WorkMoney is a free nonprofit membership organization that helps its members:


Get missing
stimulus checks


Save money on
everyday bills


Find housing


Get help with credit and student loan debt


Get unemployment

We personally check all our resources and use them ourselves....
and our 3.4 million members have saved over $23 million with our help!

Short-Term Loans,
Long-Term Problems

Can you believe that out of the 79-year American lifespan you only get to really live for 17 years?

Sound strange? Let’s break it down. In the US, the average life expectancy is 79 years. However, we will end up sleeping for 26 years of our life, doing chores for 7, and working for 29 years. Subtract these, and it turns out we only have 17 years to truly live our lives!

Do you really want to spend your 17 years of free, uninterrupted time worrying about money? Moreover, do you want to spend those 17 years paying back loans to scammy lenders at unreasonably sky-high interest, who also sell your personal information to shady companies?

The Truth Behind Easy Money

Most financial lenders advertising quick, easy loans are predatory and prey on hard-working Americans in a financial pinch. You’ve likely seen the ads. They promise to provide you with thousands of dollars, no matter your credit score. The process is easy, quick, and instant.

If you do get approved – you are pressured into purchasing their insurance policies, the interest rate is unbelievably high, and then they have aggressive collection practices in place if you fall behind. They’ll call you multiple times a day and embarrass you by calling friends, relatives, and your workplace.

What’s worse – even if you don’t take their loan, they can sell your personal information to thousands of companies and rake in millions.

Our Community & Who We Are

WorkMoney is a nonprofit member organization built for regular folks. We’re over three million members strong, and growing every day. We work for a clear mission: to ensure that in America, everyone can afford to live a good life. Our team researches to find savings – help you navigate free benefits that put money back in your pocket – and talk to decision-makers to pass laws that cause real change in the lives and communities across the country. Collectively, we’ve saved our members over $21.5 million dollars.

Lowering Costs

We’re Dedicated to Lowering Costs & Raising Income.

We started WorkMoney because money should be straightforward. If you work hard, it shouldn’t break the bank to pay your mortgage, get dinner with your family, or even take your family on a vacation. For decades, the rich have gotten richer while it’s gotten tougher for everyday Americans. We’re working to fix that.

Providing resources

We Provide Resources to Save You Money.

Call us old-fashioned, but we still believe if you work hard, you’ll earn your family a good life.

Over recent decades, that’s become much, much more difficult for most families. If it feels like you are working harder than ever, but still falling farther behind – that’s because it’s true. In fact, over the last 40 years, if incomes had kept up with profits – we’d all be making twice as much. Obviously, this is not true.

WorkMoney provides members with helpful, money-saving resources and keeps them in the loop about real issues with unbiased, no BS information. We make it easy for you to navigate the real problems affecting you and your family, and pair you up with free resources we’ve personally vetted and use ourselves.

1:1 Help

Get 1-on-1 Help & Advice.

WorkMoney partners with resources that offer 1-on-1 help, advice, and financial counseling to anyone in need – no matter their situation – completely free of charge. Our team brings together experts who help consumers save money on everyday expenses like bills, and smart policy thinkers experienced in working with political leaders around the country to do what’s right for hard-working Americans. We can even help negotiate your bills down for you.

Political impact

We Push Leaders to Improve the Lives of Everyday Americans.

At WorkMoney, our goal is to make sure that everyone who works hard gets ahead. We are a non-profit, completely free membership organization dedicated to lowering costs and raising income for all Americans. We do this by finding direct discounts and proven products that save you money on everyday expenses, like prescription drugs, student loans, and utility bills. We also work tirelessly to ensure our political leaders pass laws, regulations, and stimulus bills that put money back in your pockets.

Our Impact
in Numbers







WorkMoney Will Always Be FREE


No Credit Checks


No Social Security Info


No License Info

We’re an independent nonprofit funded by individual donors and philanthropic foundations. They donate to us so we can help people have a greater positive impact on their own lives and personal communities.

Free Membership Sign Up

Member Stories

Teresa L.


''I joined WorkMoney because they speak for the people. We need voices like theirs so we can be heard.''

Alaricsa G.


''I joined work money because I see y'all care about other people struggles and want to make a difference and it's not all about the working people but people who lost they jobs like me and wasn't eligible for unemployment thanks for all y'all do to help people.''

Monica R.

New York

''I felt isolated and when you came into my life it was a total game-changer sharing info and reaffirming that I wasn't alone and in unity comes strength kept me from despair a million thank you's. Keep up the wonderful support you bring.''

Mabel S.


''I miss a lot of the news. Work money keeps me up to date as to what is going on in Washington and all around. Without Work Money I would have no idea what is going on. Work Money is always spot on, not guessing or misleading. Thank you for your hard work.''

Dawn W.


''I joined based on what you discuss. I like your survey questions; easy to answer! Plus your questions don't ask for money after your questions!! You bring us up-to-date. Material is major!''

Teresa L.


''I joined WorkMoney because they speak for the people. We need voices like theirs so we can be heard.''

Alaricsa G.


''I joined work money because I see y'all care about other people struggles and want to make a difference and it's not all about the working people but people who lost they jobs like me and wasn't eligible for unemployment thanks for all y'all do to help people.''

Monica R.

New York

''I felt isolated and when you came into my life it was a total game-changer sharing info and reaffirming that I wasn't alone and in unity comes strength kept me from despair a million thank you's. Keep up the wonderful support you bring.''

Mabel S.


''I miss a lot of the news. Work money keeps me up to date as to what is going on in Washington and all around. Without Work Money I would have no idea what is going on. Work Money is always spot on, not guessing or misleading. Thank you for your hard work.''

Dawn W.


''I joined based on what you discuss. I like your survey questions; easy to answer! Plus your questions don't ask for money after your questions!! You bring us up-to-date. Material is major!''